Futura font free download

Futura Next

The true origins of Futura never die; recently there has been new focus on the famous typeface in numerous publications, events and exhibitions. The book Futura, une Gloire Typographique has found worldwide acclaim and the city of Frankfurt, the cradle of the Bauersche Giesserei, as well as the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz, organized two exhibitions in 2016, in the honor of Futura.

Futura continues tirelessly its key role in the corporate image and identity of innovative companies and global players and designers and graphic artists love its no-nonsense shapes and powerful letters.

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Architype Renner

The geometry of Paul Renner’s sans letterforms was tempered by optical correction to follow earlier typeface proportions, with capitals close to old-style forms, yet still retaining the spirit of the New Typography. His early experimental characters were included as alternatives in the sans which was to become the Futura released by Bauer in 1927–30. Unusually, old style figures also appeared in his early versions but they too were soon discarded.

Foundry Architype Renner as a new four weight family has been developed from the original Renner Regular and Bold, created by The Foundry for the first Architype Collections in the early 1990s. This new family features the old style figures and the experimental elements.

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Futura Web Font Alternatives

Now that you’ve decided on your base font stack, let’s look at some candidates to replace Futura entirely! These Web fonts are free to use and will render more consistently for a broader range of users than relying on explicitly setting Futura in your CSS font stack.

Open Sans

Open Sans has a few strong differences, such as the a and g style glyphs. Despite these glaring differences, it’s a really nice solid font that has a variety of styles. The great thing is that there are book, normal, bold, italic, semi bold and extra bold variations (if only there was a light version!):

Open Sans Condensed

A reasonable alternative to Futura Condensed when in a pinch, which is awfully popular for headlines and page titles. Comes in book and bold:

Didact Gothic

Didact Gothic is probably the closest replacement of the bunch. It can easily replace Futura Book or Futura Medium, again very similar to Century Gothic as a clean geometric typeface:

If you really must have Futura and need a Web font, Adobe Typekit introduced Futura PT and Futura PT Condensed in 2001. If you’re a TypeKit subscriber you’re in luck because you can use these fonts on your website by adding them to your kit!

True Futura PT Condensed from Adobe TypeKit. Available in Book, Medium, Bold and Extra Bold.

If you are using an alternative font for Futura that isn’t listed here, please share in the comments section below. I hope these Futura replacements help you with your next Web design or Web app!

Renner Book

Renner* is a font for the digital age. It’s based off of the work of Paul Renner, the designer of Futura. Renner* is an origonal font that aims to keep the attitude of Futura rather than the exact design. Futura was designed to be functional in its day and in that spirit, Renner* aims to be as functional as possible in the digital era. For that reason it deviates from the exact designs of Paul Renner, favoring, for example, a larger x-height.

It also includes features, many of which would not be possible in the era of Paul Renner. Renner* has 9 weights, ranging from Hairline to Black. It can support many languages, includes stylistic alternatives, and both tabular and proportional numbers.

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Using a Futura Font Stack

Before exploring replacements for Futura, I should mention that you can use Futura on your website with the appropriate font stack. If a visitor to your site has Futura installed on their computer, you can take advantage of the situation by setting Futura at the top of your font stack.

Now, it’s important to remember that Futura is a font family. There are several variations on Futura including Futura Light, Futura Book, Futura Medium and Futura Condensed. Not to mention the bold, oblique/italic and extra bold variations. For general use, we’re going to focus on alternatives to Futura Medium, which is probably the most tame of the bunch, and the most similar font to each of the Futura alternatives listed below.

We can start off with a font stack like this, which will use the true Futura font if available on the client’s computer. When you add on the web font alternatives below, just add them to the list directly after the Futura font declarations. (sans-serif should almost always come last.) If you’re determined to have a consistent look in regards to font size, kerning and line spacing, you might opt for using an alternative web font only. Since only a small percentage of visitors will have the actual font installed, it introduces the possibility of inconsistencies in type rendering.

This font stack tries to use Futura or Futura Medium, then falls back to the Century Gothic font family.

font-family Futura, Futura-Medium, "Futura Medium", "Century Gothic", CenturyGothic, "Apple Gothic", AppleGothic, "URW Gothic L", "Avant Garde", sans-serif;

I recently explored some web font alternatives to Century Gothic,
which is in a strikingly similar style, so you’re going to find that some of the alternatives here are actually quite similar to the Futura alternatives.

Информация о шрифте a_Futurica

Полное название шрифта

a_Futurica Regular 400


Начертание шрифта

Regular (Обычный)

Насыщенность шрифта

400 — нормальное (Normal)

Версия шрифта

Ver.001.002 ( 19.06.97)

Идентификатор шрифта

Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 a_Futurica

PostScript название шрифта


Авторское право на шрифт

Поддержка символов

латинские буквы, русские буквы (кириллица), цифры, знаки препинания и пунктуации

Регистр букв шрифта

верхний (прописные буквы) и нижний (строчные буквы)

Категории шрифта a_Futurica

Бесплатные шрифты, Кириллические шрифты, Латинские шрифты, Русские шрифты, Шрифты без засечек

Предварительный просмотр a_Futurica

Шрифт a_Futurica с поддержкой латиницы

Предварительный просмотр шрифта «a_Futurica» с прописными и строчными латинскими буквами (английский алфавит A-Z и a-z).

Шрифт a_Futurica с поддержкой кириллицы

Предварительный просмотр шрифта «a_Futurica» с прописными и строчными русскими буквами (кириллица, русский алфавит А-Я и а-я).

Шрифт a_Futurica с поддержкой цифр

Предварительный просмотр шрифта «a_Futurica» с цифрами (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9).

Шрифт a_Futurica с поддержкой знаков препинания и пунктуации

Предварительный просмотр шрифта «a_Futurica» со знаками препинания и пунктуации (, . / ? ; ‘ : » { } \ | ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) — _ + =).

Скачать шрифт a_Futurica

Шрифт a_Futurica доступен для скачивания в 6 форматах: EOT, OTF, SVG, TTF, WOFF, WOFF2 (IE9 в режиме совместимости, IE6-IE8, Open Type Font, устаревшая iOS, Safari, Android, iOS и любой современный браузер).Внимание! Скачать шрифт a_Futurica возможно только для некоммерческого использования!

Подробная инструкция по скачиванию шрифтов в статье «Как скачать шрифт на сайте»

Как установить шрифт a_Futurica на сайт

Для установки шрифта «a_Futurica» на сайт необходимо скопировать все файлы шрифта в папку, например, «fonts/a-futurica». В файле стилей подключить шрифт, используя конструкцию CSS:

Скопировать в буфер обмена

@font-face {
	font-family: "a_Futurica";
	src: url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.eot"); /* IE9 Compat Modes */
	src: url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), /* IE6-IE8 */
		url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.otf") format("opentype"), /* Open Type Font */
		url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.svg") format("svg"), /* Legacy iOS */
		url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.ttf") format("truetype"), /* Safari, Android, iOS */
		url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.woff") format("woff"), /* Modern Browsers */
		url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.woff2") format("woff2"); /* Modern Browsers */
	font-weight: normal;
	font-style: normal;

Установить шрифт «a_Futurica» для требуемого текста, поля, кнопки или другого элемента на сайте:

font-family: "a_Futurica";

Пример применения шрифта «a_Futurica»:

body {
	font-family: "a_Futurica";
	font-size: 1rem;
	font-weight: normal;
	line-height: 1.2;
	color: #000;
	background-color: #fff;

Как установить шрифт a_Futurica на сайт

Для установки шрифта «a_Futurica» на сайт необходимо скопировать все файлы шрифта в папку, например, «fonts/a-futurica». В файле стилей подключить шрифт, используя конструкцию CSS:

Скопировать в буфер обмена

@font-face {
	font-family: "a_Futurica";
	src: url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.eot"); /* IE9 Compat Modes */
	src: url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), /* IE6-IE8 */
		url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.otf") format("opentype"), /* Open Type Font */
		url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.svg") format("svg"), /* Legacy iOS */
		url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.ttf") format("truetype"), /* Safari, Android, iOS */
		url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.woff") format("woff"), /* Modern Browsers */
		url("../fonts/a-futurica/a-futurica.woff2") format("woff2"); /* Modern Browsers */
	font-weight: normal;
	font-style: normal;

Установить шрифт «a_Futurica» для требуемого текста, поля, кнопки или другого элемента на сайте:

font-family: "a_Futurica";

Пример применения шрифта «a_Futurica»:

body {
	font-family: "a_Futurica";
	font-size: 1rem;
	font-weight: normal;
	line-height: 1.2;
	color: #000;
	background-color: #fff;

Century Gothic

Century Gothic is based on Monotype 20th Century, which was drawn by Sol Hess between 1936 and 1947. Century Gothic maintains the basic design of 20th Century but has an enlarged x-height and has been modified to ensure satisfactory output from modern digital systems. The design is influenced by the geometric style sans serif faces which were popular during the 1920s and 30s. The Century Gothic font family is useful for headlines and general display work and for small quantities of text, particularly in advertising.

The Century Gothic family has been extended to 14 weights in a Pan-European character set from Thin to Black and their Italics.

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The Google Fonts-distributed Jost is all-around the best modern, free, cross-platform alternative to Futura.

Despite being a near-deadringer for the century-old Futura, Jost ships out-of-the-box with a double-storey “a”. To get the full Futura feel, make sure to use the single-storey “a” alternate character with (here’s more on how to do )

Since Futura is so often used in uppercase (and for good reason – it looks very crisp and punchy!), it’s worth doing a comparison in that setting. In my opinion, Jost has some slightly more awkward uppercase forms – the “M” and “N”, and “J” with descender, for instance. But it’s nothing that would keep me from using this as a free, cross-platform Futura alternative.

What it’s got: 9 weights + italics; also available as a variable font

Get it at: Jost at Google Fonts

Other Futura Alternatives

If you’re looking to branch out from Futura, it’s worth checking out some of the other alternatives in this guide. For instance, the Apercu alternatives are even quirkier than Futura’s slightly idiosyncratic letterforms, whereas the DIN alternative are a bit more punchy and solid (just as Futura works in uppercase).

You’re reading Free Font Alternatives: The Ultimate Guide. Quickly navigate to other fonts: Intro · Apercu · Avenir · Circular · DIN · Futura · Gotham · Helvetica · Proxima Nova · Times New Roman

One Final Note

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