3D печать полипропиленом PP: температура, скорость, настройки 3D принтера

Post-Processes for 3D Resin Printer

The resin printing technology will require post-processes. Here are the critical steps after creating an object:

· Washing

One will need to wash the object as a way of eliminating the leftovers. You can use various liquids to do the washing like water or alcohol. You can also leave the object to dry on paper towels.

· UV Curing

It is a process of exposing the prints to the UV lamp or sunlight. As a result, it will begin to strengthen as it solidifies better. During the printing process, the layers get exposed to light within a fraction of a second. To boost that, you need to perform a post-curing process.

· Supports Removal

The process involves the removal of the entire supporting structures from the print. The process of resin printing may require some tree-like structures for holding an object. They will stick by holding a build plate to avoid falling.

These supports are always easy to remove, although the process may consume a considerable amount of time. One needs to be careful to avoid any accidental cuts from the object’s volume.

· Sanding

You can eliminate taps, which developed as a result of support structures. You can smoothen it by doing a dry sanding process which involves using relevant tools. Furthermore, you can use specialized liquids or polishers.

One can also use common sandpapers by adding water to them. The wet sandpaper is suitable for smoothening the print.

· Patching escape holes

It is process of resin 3D printing the one can still use in designing models to appear hollow. It is a way of cost reduction on photopolymers. Consequently, they will escape holes and release resins interiorly.

So, one needs to perform patching as a way of closing them manually using resin. In the long run, it will enhance the appearance of the structure.

· Finishing

You can cover some parts with special compositions. One can also use coatings to hide imperfections and strengthen a particular section. One can still perform priming, which is a process that prepares a surface for paint.

Some resins may require a coating process to prevent the materials from degrading when exposed to UV light over a longer duration.

· Painting

One can paint the object according to available colors. It is proper to use the correct color since they play a critical role in dictating the mood.

· Polishing

You can use special compounds in making the surface appear smooth and clear. For instance, after sanding, it restores some transparency if you want to experience the glass-clear results.


Печать нейлоном имеет много общего с печатью АВС-пластиком. Исключениями являются более высокая температура печати (около 320°С), высокая способность впитывать воду, более продолжительный период застывания, необходимость откачки воздуха из экструдера из-за токсичности компонентов нейлона. Нейлон – это достаточно скользкий материал, для его применения следует оснастить экструдер шипами. Несмотря на перечисленные недостатки, нейлон с успехом используют в 3D печати, так как детали из данного материала получаются не такими жёсткими, как из АВС-пластика, и для них можно использовать шарниры скольжения.

Нейлоновая нить для 3D печати

Изделия из нейлона, напечатанные 3D принтером

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