The ultimate guide to polycarbonate 3d printing


As we have seen, you can get anything out of polycarbonate material. All that you need is an elaborate polycarbonate 3D printing service.

In case you need this service, we are there to help you. At Roche Industry, we specialize in providing accurate polycarbonate 3D printing service in China.  Contact us for a free quotation.

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Should I get Polycarbonate 3D Printing Service in China?

If you want to make parts and products using polycarbonate material.  This leaves you with no option but to  3D print this material.

Should you pay for the polycarbonate 3D printing service or should you do the job yourself?

As we have seen, printing polycarbonate material is a technical and complex process.  It is also very expensive to do this task.

It is also a risky affair as you may end up doing the process wrongly hence wasting the material.

The best bet is to outsource the service to reliable polycarbonate printing companies in China.

You will save some good amount of money especially if you get affordable polycarbonate 3D printing service.

How Strong the Polycarbonate as a 3D Printing Material

As we have mentioned, one of the key properties of polycarbonate is its strength. In fact, polycarbonate is usually referred to as the “King” of 3D printing.

This is because it is the strongest material that can be manufactured through 3D printing.

But, how strong is this material as compared to others? The strength of polycarbonate can be better understood when we look at the numbers.

A test that was conducted by the ranked different 3Dmaterials according to their hardness. The main materials that were subjected to the test include PLA, ABS, Nylon, and polycarbonate.

Each material was loaded with some weight which was attached to a hook.

Guess which material won? Polycarbonate won by quite a big margin.

With a tensile strength of 7250 PSI, PLA material managed to lift a weight of up to 285 pounds. ABS which has a tensile strength of 4700 snapped when hooked to the same weight.

Polycarbonate which has a tensile strength of 9800 PSI managed to lift the weight of up to 680 pounds without snapping. No other material could lift such weight.

I hope that now you understand why polycarbonate is the “King” of 3D printing.


Самым большим преимуществом филаментов ABS перед другими материалами для 3D печати является их высокая механическая прочность.

ABS обладает способностью изгибаться или деформироваться при воздействии большого усилия или удара, а затем возвращаться к своей первоначальной форме. Это свойство материала измеряется как относительное удлинение при разрыве, которое выражает, насколько материал может изменить форму, прежде чем он разрушится. Относительное удлинение при разрыве ABS в среднем примерно в четыре раза больше, чем у PLA.

Сравнение PLA и ABS с полиэстеровыми пластиками (верхняя полоса), всеми термопластами (средняя полоса) и всеми распространенными промышленными материалами (нижняя полоса)

По сравнению с другими распространенными материалами для 3D печати, ABS также обладает более высокой термостойкостью. Температура стеклования ABS (температура, при которой пластик размягчается и постоянно меняет форма) значительно выше, чем у других распространенных видов материалов, включая PLA.

Полосы диаграммы сравнивают свойства каждого пластика полиэстеровыми пластиками (верхняя полоса), всеми термопластами (средняя полоса) и всеми распространенными промышленными материалами (нижняя полоса)

What are the Limitations of Polycarbonate 3D Printing?

Although 3D printing is the best method of manufacturing objects that are made of polycarbonate, it also has some limitations.

Here are some of the disadvantages of this method:

-Printing polycarbonate material requires extremely high temperatures as compared to other materials.

-Polycarbonate material is prone to warping. This means all the conditions for the printing should be perfect otherwise warping will be inevitable

-There is a high likelihood of liquid polycarbonate to ooze during the printing process.

-Polycarbonate is a  hygroscopic material. It is likely to absorb some moisture during the printing process. This can lead to 3D print defects.

How can I eliminate these limitations?

The best solution is to seek the services of the best polycarbonate 3D printing company in China. They have the right tools, conditions to produce the best results.

Reliable polycarbonate 3D service companies also have experts who handle the whole process with utmost precision.

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